Thursday 16 January 2014

Liliesleaf. Rivonia South Africa

Liliesleaf- A place of liberation.

In the suburb of Rivonia north of the CBD of Johannesburg is Liliesleaf which was once the secret home of the liberation struggle in South Africa. Under the cover of a white family who were resident here, the ANC conducted many of its meetings and discussed their strategy to overturn the white minority government. During the period 1961 to 1963 many of the leaders of the liberation movement met and took refuge at Liliesleaf hiding in the outbuildings at night to avoid detection.
The South African police smashed the underground movement in a raid in July 1963 resulting in the arrest of many of the leaders and the later incarceration of the top echelon of the ANC following what became known as the Rivonia Trials. Nelson Mandela was already serving a jail sentence of five years at the time of the trial but was tried at Rivonia and along with his comrades was also sentenced to life imprisonment
The Main House

Out buildings now restored

Liliesleaf is testament to the ‘new’ South Africa and this fascinating museum is a must see for all visitors to South Africa who wish to understand the events that have shaped this nation. The museum is highly interactive with many recordings and displays in the main house and outbuildings which take the visitors on a journey through South Africa’s dark past. Liliesleaf should not be confused with the Apartheid Museum which is situated in Parktown Johannesburg. For more information visit:   

Port Macquarie

Cassegrain winery and highly recommended Twotriplefour restaurant. Great food and excellent service   The Beachfront Port Macquarie