Wednesday 29 January 2014

Elephants of the Kruger National Park

One of the many thrills of visiting the Kruger is seeing the 'Big Five' up close and personal. During our recent visit to the Kruger we were lucky to have many encounters with the 'Big Five' the most magnificent of all, the mighty elephant. We saw them in small family groups, large herds and at times a lone bull or cow. Although you are never sure whether sighting just one elephant means that there are not others in the near vicinity. Often if you wait patiently other members of the herd will, as if by magic, emerge from the bush. Elephants are rarely still and move all day traversing many miles as they browse their way through the vegetation.
The authorties are careful to point out to visitors that these are wild animals and you should keep a distance of at least 50 metres between your vehicle and an elephant. Sometimes this is difficult to achieve as often you will round a corner and they could be right in front of you or hidden in thick bushveld alongside the road. The motto is always be prepared for an encounter as these poor tourists in this video clip discovered to their horror. Fortunately they were only shaken up and slightly injured in this instance. Wonder how their insurance worked out on the vehicle which was no doubt hired as they were overseas visitors.


Below some of our close encounters.




 Keep Alert! Be Safe.










Port Macquarie

Cassegrain winery and highly recommended Twotriplefour restaurant. Great food and excellent service   The Beachfront Port Macquarie