Wednesday 15 October 2014

Xian: The city wall

Xian is a large metropolis of over 8 million souls and like most large cities in China sadly suffers from pollution but there are many hidden gems in this city and our time there was enjoyable.
The old wall surrounds the original city which has now developed way beyond the original city limits. It is possible to walk around the entire perimeter or hire a bicycle from the various vendors on the wall. It is a popular spot to stroll and enjoy viws of the city and some of the older buildings.
View from the wall to new sector

View into the original city area

The wall is a popular photographic spot for weddings. Chinese brides wear red and often photos are taken weeks or months before the actual wedding ceremony.

Port Macquarie

Cassegrain winery and highly recommended Twotriplefour restaurant. Great food and excellent service   The Beachfront Port Macquarie