Wednesday 17 October 2012


Krakow is a surprise packet in many ways. The historic Old Town and Market Square is a delightful place to visit with its array of well preserved baroque buildings surrounding one of the largest squares in Europe. Each day friendly and very knowledgeable students offer tourists free tours of the Old Town as well as the nearby Wawel Castle. Tours last a couple of hours and all that is expected is a tip.
The central point of the square is the Renaissance Cloth Hall and an open market offers a range of local arts and crafts.
The square has many restaurants serving a wide variety of local Polish dishes as well as international dishes at prices better than anywhere else in Europe.
A recent attraction in Krakow, opened in 2010, is the Oskar Schindler Museum made famous by the Steven Spielberg movie Schindler's list. The museum is a good precursor to a tour of  nearby Auschwitz-Birkenau an hour and a half away.

Magnificent horse drawn carriages take you on tours of the old town.

Restaurants fringe market square.
Renaissance cloth hall market

An interesting tea room on Market Square


Port Macquarie

Cassegrain winery and highly recommended Twotriplefour restaurant. Great food and excellent service   The Beachfront Port Macquarie