The point of no return
Words cannot describe the numbing emotion you feel when you visit these death camps.
As a mark of respect I have chosen not to post many of the intimate images I captured at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Thousands of shoes, spectacles, suitcases and mounds of human hair is all that is left of the millions who faced severe cruelty and horror and who all perished here.
Some say this is all a myth and never happenned on the scale recorded in history. To them I say visit this place and witness the massive scale of the methodical planning and organisation that obviously took place in order to anihilate millions of Jews and other ethnic minorities. The written records and evidence are here for all to see.
Whilst it is positive to note that this is a major tourist drawcard attracting many thousands of visitors a year and judging by the reactions I witnessed all were as repulsed as we were of what they saw and learned from our guide.
If only we could harness all that revulsion and collectively rid our world of all the despotic governments who continue their own form of genocide against their fellow country men, women and children.
Sadly we do not learn from history!